• Co-Creation is at the heart of everything we do.
  • We work with where you are and with who is on board. From the intern to the founder, everybody has a lot to contribute to the success of your mission! Our human-centric methodologies help unleash potential and align energies towards your organizations’s big challenges/questions.
  • With a reliable thought partner and sound board throughout your growth journey, you will feel confident around your people decisions!
  • Radical Authenticity: Seeing what no one else is seeing and calling it out. Let’s avoid building superficial solutions that cover up complex issues.


We support you in tackling key human capital questions along your journey.

  • How might we build a culture and the internal collaboration that enables us to evolve and succeed?
  • How might we strategically design a winning senior leadership team as our work & impact grows?
  • How might we approach succession planning more intentionally & strategically?
  • How might we build the capacity of our management to lead a performing team?
  • How might we create DEI teams?
  • How might we align our team to our organization’s vision?
  • How does one design an impactful career that maximizes their talents, skills & potential?
  • How might we create more innovative and impactful programs/ models that create the change we want to see?
  • How might we design a new strategic plan that truly takes us to the next level of growth?


  • Filling 170+ catalytic roles and engaging with thousands of professionals through recruitment and coaching has given us a profound understanding of workplace aspirations in the social impact space.
  • Our clients love us for our ability to distill complex information and bring fresh, out of the box perspectives and clear actionable insights that are tailored and holistic to their context.
  • Extensive toolbox of methodologies.
  • We eat what we cook: edge has successfully gone through product innovation and geographic expansion. Our methodologies are always prototyped with our team first. We use innovative and flexible governance processes, allowing all aboard our small team to work off their strengths. 
  • Personal living experience in East Africa, India and Europe, combined with leading global programs across continents and cultivating networks in over 100+ countries, provide a deep understanding of cross-cultural dynamics and achieving shared goals.