You have done a hundred applications and aren’t getting feedback.
Many companies aren’t relying on just CV for recruiting The traditional way of recruitment leads you to believe it’s your CV that isn’t getting you a foot in the door i.e. a callback? While this might be true there might be other reasons you haven’t thought of.
The following are some of the reasons you probably hadn’t considered:
– You are applying for the wrong job.
– Your CV isn’t in the right format more than 2-3pages, has grammatical errors.
– Your CV doesn’t actually highlight your achievements.
– Your applications are not good enough for the hiring manager or recruiter.
If you are having a difficult time figuring out what the challenge is, research on recruiters that can offer you advice. Check out our previous video on why your CV is not landing your perfect job here .
At edge we are always happy to help, you can send an email to to sign up for any of our career coaching programs.