Build a Happy Career with edge


We spend 70% of our lives working.  Why not have a blast?

Job Hunt Hustles


Currently looking for new career opportunities? Want to find out more about how you can stand out in the Job Market in order to get the job you want?


Succeeding where you are



Looking to grow and develop yourself in your career? Want to find out new ways of leveling up your skills?


Career mapping and transition



Are you finding it hard to picture where you see yourself in the next 5 years? Do you want to try a new field but you are not sure how it will work out?

Want to fast-track your journey?

Talk directly to a career coach!

Email us on or click here

Looking to collaborate?

Are you running youth projects in employability, leadership or entrepreneurship and looking for impactful collaborations?

Get in touch and let’s think through how we can partner!